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The Last First Day

As of today, I have officially started my senior year of college [que internal scream].

From daycare to elementary school, then from middle to high school, and finally college, I have practically been in school my whole life. My years have been counted in homework, assigned readings, grades, and late nights studying, and soon, that will all be coming to a close – it’s terrifying.

I remember looking up to the college students who served as my camp counselors and thinking they were the epitome of adults; they were independent, knew what was going on, and always seemed very self-possessed. Even being a freshman, I couldn’t wait to be an upperclassman and reach that point where everything becomes less confusing. Fortunately, once you get into the thick of college, you start to realize that almost nobody has their entire life figured out, and if they do, well, there’s a good chance that plan could change.

I would say that 98% of me is eager to move on to the next chapter of my life. However, not knowing where I will be post-grad is the part that makes me want to scream and cry.

That said, I know time will start moving faster than ever, so I will try my best to savor what will be my last, and hopefully first, full year on campus.



Welcome to Classically Leah, a fashion and lifestyle blog written by an average college student who happens to prefer life in shades of pink and is inspired by timeless classics.

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