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Postcards From Paris: No. 5

Happy Valentine's Day from the City of Love! This year, Paris is my Valentine, and I will be honoring this day of love with a solo walk along the Seine – very romantic.

Anyways..., this week went by fast, and for once, I desperately wish time would slow down. The past few days have been more ‘normal’. While there have been several amazing adventures, there have also been some trying moments. I think it’s worth documenting that even when living the dream, not every second of every day is easy or glamorous. This week consisted of getting lost on the metro, losing my metro card, school-induced stress, and receiving a racist comment (by a fellow tourist). So there it is…, the reality of being human.

A Gloomy Monday in Paris: Strolling Through Parc Monceau

It was a gloomy start to the week, and per the Monday routine, I was determined to explore a new part of the city. This day’s adventure led me to Parc Monceau, an elegant, peaceful park in the 8th arrondissement.

Whereas the other parks I frequent have previously been palace gardens, Parc Monceau was commissioned to be a public park. While there are several statues and fake ruins, vegetation is the focal point. Being someone who prefers palaces over trees, I wouldn’t choose Parc Monceau over the Luxembourg Gardens or the Tuileries Garden, but never-the-less it was still lovely.

Having lived in suburban areas, I never appreciated parks until this trip. As much as I love fast-paced city life, it's nice to escape every once and a while. Even on a dreary day, Parisian parks exude life. Between the people strolling about, children playing games, and friends mingling, you can’t help but find joy in life's seemingly idle moments.

Ladurée: Sweet Confections

Another week and another box checked off on my Paris to-do list. When I think of Paris, I think of the Eiffel Tower, fashion, baguettes, croissants, and then maybe a few more things…, but eventually, macaroons come to mind. Specifically macaroons from Ladurée. Although certainly overpriced, the macaroons were delicious and they even had a vegan option!

Sacré Cœur: Views From Above

Words and pictures don’t do justice to Wednesday morning’s excursion to the dome of Sacré Cœur. Although the views would be beautiful regardless, the cloudless blue sky, shining sun, and the fact that we practically had the entire dome to ourselves made the experience magical.

The journey to the dome consists of over 300 steps that are either enclosed in a narrow spiral staircase or run up the exterior of the basilica. I had to catch my breath a couple of times, but I loved every single moment. It was like a scene from a movie where the characters are running through dark passages and scaling the sides of castles (definitely not for people who are afraid of heights or are claustrophobic).

If it weren’t for the fact that I had class later that day, I would have sat at the top of Sacré Cœur for hours just savoring the feeling of having the entirety of Paris laid out before me. From that height, massive monuments like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe look like lego-pieces. The entire experience felt vaguely human; I was overwhelmed by sensations of fearlessness, freedom, serenity, and just absolute happiness. Unfortunately, access to the dome is not free, but it is well worth the 7€.

Musee d’Orsay: Lovers, Loungers, and Van Gogh

I've been spoiled by the number of times I've been able to see Paris's most famous museums and monuments without having to fight other tourists for the best view. As such, I've developed a dislike for crowded spaces where I'm not free to take my time; this was the situation during my first visit to the Musée d'Orsay. I didn't enjoy the museum as much as I had expected to, but I love the art and will be returning when it isn't as crowded.

Although I prefer the overall ambiance of the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay has some of my favorite art pieces. I particularly love the statues; they are graceful and perfectly capture the quiet moments felt by loungers and lovers.

And of course, we had to see the Van Gogh paintings. Several other people also felt the same way, so I wasn’t able to linger as long as I would have liked. Regardless, the paintings are beautiful in person!

The Loire Valley: Château Views

On Saturday, I spent the day in the Loire Valley – the destination for our second program-sponsored excursion.

Located about a 2.5-hour drive from Paris, the Loire Valley is famous for the Medieval and Renaissance era fortresses, castles, and châteaus that populate the area. With over 300 châteaus, the Loire Valley is considered one of the most picturesque, fairy-tale-like regions in France. Between the châteaus, countryside landscape, and small farming villages, visiting the Loire Valley is like time traveling to a previous century.

Since visiting all 300 hundred châteaus would require a much longer visit, we went to two of the most popular: Château de Chambord and Château Royal de Blois. The architecture of both châteaus was beautiful, and the views were breathtaking. As for the interiors, they were impressive, but not really my style. Whereas Versailles is sensory overload, the darker, more muted colors of the Renaissance era created a much colder ambiance. The Château de Chambard, although imposing in size and magnificent with all its terraces and turrets, felt barren inside (hence the lack of pictures).

Of the two Châteaus we saw, I preferred Château Royal de Blois. Unlike the Château de Chambard, which was primarily used as a hunting lodge, several French monarchs resided in Château Royal de Blois. If walls could talk, I would love to listen to their accounts of the happenings at the Château Royal de Blois. For anyone who is a fan of the TV series Reign, this chateau was home to the mysterious and powerful Catherine de Medici. As frequently referenced in the show, one of the rooms displays the secret cabinets where she supposedly hid her poisons.

Château Royal de Blois:



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