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Postcards From Paris: No. 10

Turns out Paris is that different from Rhode Island after all… at least weather-wise. I started the week wearing shorts and basking in the sun and ended the week bundled in layers of sweaters and jackets whilst complaining about the snow.

The Last of the Sunny Days

Monday ushered in the last of the warm weather for at least the next couple of weeks. Knowing this, I began my morning lounging by the Seine and proceeded to spend the rest of the day walking around Paris. It's picture-perfect days like this, where my mind struggles to comprehend that this is my reality and I'm not just dreaming.

April Showers: ...Bring Gloomy Days

Last week’s sunshine and blue skies were replaced by frigid temperatures and the gloomiest, rainiest week I’ve experienced yet. When April showers are paired with freezing temperatures and a bit of snow, I’m afraid the May flowers may not be as plentiful or vibrant in the coming weeks.

So while my visions of promenading in the city’s posh gardens overflowing with the best spring blooms Mother Nature has to offer will remain visions, for the time being, I would rather spend a rainy day in Paris than a rainy day anywhere else. To survive the dreary days, I found refuge in museums, cafes, and thrift shops.

Dior: Dresses, Designers, and Dreams

Last spring, I spent most of my fashion design class discovering and obsessing over the vintage collections of Christian Dior. Then in the fall, I dedicated most of my research papers to analyzing the Dior brand from an international business and marketing perspective. Through these various projects and school assignments, I became enamored with the work of Christian Dior and the world he was able to create during his career. So, when I found out that LVMH had finished renovations of the historic 30 Montaigne boutique and debuted La Galerie Dior, I was eager to go.

I had seen a few pictures of the museum before my visit, so I had pretty high expectations. That said, La Galerie Dior was more exquisite than anything I could have imagined. I have been to several fashion museums and exhibits during my time in Paris, but nothing has encapsulated the spirit of haute couture more than the Dior museum. Through scenography, sketches, accessories, dresses, and quotes, La Galerie Dior perfectly communicates the history and legacy of the brand. Most of my all-time favorite dresses were designed by Christian Dior, and to not only see them in person but to see them in the same building where he constructed these garments was an absolute dream.

During the visit, my mind wandered to this quote: “Rome took all the vanity out of me, and Paris made me realize I’d never be a genius, so I’m giving up all my foolish artistic hopes. Talent isn’t genius, and no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great or nothing.” –Amy March, Little Women (2019)

Not to say that I’m giving up on my dreams, but being surrounded by the products of creative genius and premier craftsmanship can be very intimidating. All this to say, as an admirer of Christian Dior, I was moved by the exhibit and convinced I was in dress heaven.

Reims: Cold Weather, Champagne, and Cathedrals

Per tradition, Mother Nature treated me to wintry temperatures and snowfall for my birthday weekend. Unfortunately, this made my much-anticipated trip to Reims significantly less enjoyable.

Reims is about an hour northeast of Paris and is the unofficial capital of the Champagne region; as such, just about every travel guide is dedicated to Champagne tastings and tours of the various Champagne houses. However, I was traveling with someone who does not like Champagne, and I don't appreciate the beverage enough to spend over 150 euros on a tasting. So, with that activity eliminated from our Reims itinerary, we were left with the number one destination on all travel guides: Cathedral Notre Dame de Reims.

33 Kings of France were crowned in Cathedral Notre Dame de Reims, making the cathedral the emblem of the city's historical significance. Construction of the cathedral began in 1211 and lasted nearly 80 years. With over 2300 statues, intricate carvings adorning the sides of the building, imposing arches, and massive stained glass windows, Notre Dame de Reims is simply breathtaking. Inside, the gothic architecture and deadly silence intensified the feeling of being in a place of historical relevance; it felt like everyone was waiting for a coronation procession to take their rightful place in the cathedral.

After visiting the cathedral, we wandered around the small, empty city and waited to check into our Airbnb. Somehow, we found ourselves on a guided tour of one of the historic houses. The museum itself wasn't that dissimilar from any other old home in which the owner was a collector of random and exotic objects. As for the tour, well, it was conducted in French..., so who knows what was said (certainly not me).

As for why we ended up in Reims in the first place, truthfully, I was going into it blind. My friend was responsible for choosing the location and claimed it was the first thing that came to mind when I questioned that decision after a few hours there. In all fairness, perhaps it was our fault for not indulging in everything that Reims has to offer. Although I wouldn’t outright discourage a trip to the Champagne capital, I would dissuade anyone from venturing to Reims who has no intention to drink Champagne or when it is blisteringly cold.



Welcome to Classically Leah, a fashion and lifestyle blog written by an average college student who happens to prefer life in shades of pink and is inspired by timeless classics.

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