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Outfit Diaries: No.2

Back for round two of the Outfit Diaries! One of my blog-related goals for 2021 is to post new installments of the Outfit Diaries more frequently. The daily documentation of my outfits to create this post was reminiscent of my high school days. Nearly all four years, I either wrote down or took a picture of what I was wearing every day so that I wouldn't wear the same thing too often. Was that necessary to do? Probably not, but at the very least, I had fun doing it, and it helped me discover my style.



This was the first "normal" day after a busy holiday season. I went on an exciting outing to the grocery store and then spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing.


It was another quiet day spent at home, except for a quick coffee run. I had absolutely no reason to get dressed, but sometimes you have to dress up for yourself.

Similar Scarf (being used as a headband)


Even though it was very cold and windy, I spent some time outside catching up with one of my best friends. Also, this is one of my favorite outfits of 2020.

Similar Scarf (being used as a belt)


The theme for today was COLD. I spent an hour outside on a very cold walk, followed by two hours skating in an extremely cold rink.


I spent most of the day running errands with my mom. Overall, not a terribly exciting New Year's Eve, but that was to be expected. Typically my mom and I will take the train up to Boston on New Year's Eve, but this year we settled for a movie night. On that note, When Harry Met Sally is an excellent movie!


My mom and I made a quick trip to an outdoor shopping center, and then I spent the rest of the day planning my 2021. I have many self-improvement goals that I'm excited to start working on, and hopefully, by January 1, 2022, I will have expanded my skill set.


One of my friends jokingly commented on a picture of the December 29th outfit, "are you filming Leah in London." To that friend, I think this is the poster outfit of "Leah in London." ;)



Welcome to Classically Leah, a fashion and lifestyle blog written by an average college student who happens to prefer life in shades of pink and is inspired by timeless classics.

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