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On the Topic of Books

February is the month of abandoning New Year’s resolutions…, right? Unfortunately, I am not delivering on my goal of reading new books. I managed to read one new book this month but otherwise found myself reverting to old habits and seeking the comfort of some well-loved reads.

So this February's book review will be short and sweet:


Rating: 3/5

This is a book that I probably should have liked; most of the book takes place in Boston and Rhode Island, and one of the characters is a former wedding dress designer who made a name for herself in Boston after fleeing Paris at the beginning of World War II. Unfortunately, I wasn't captivated by the writing style, and in general, I don't love stories with happy endings. Without revealing too much, Barbara Davis utilizes alternate point of view to tell the story of two women who have experienced similar hardships and whose lives unexpectedly cross paths. I was intrigued by certain parts of the story – after all, I did finish it – particularly the exploration of the roles of fate, second chances, and loss in a person's life. However, I disliked the final few chapters. Personally, I don’t like stories laden with coincidences, and everything about the plot felt a little too convenient toward the end. Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer books that conclude with a few loose ends that leave you wanting more.

On the topic of books, and to make up for my poor excuse for a new-book review, here are a few pictures of one of the prettiest libraries I have ever stepped foot in. Nestled amongst the historic houses on Benefit Street in Providence is the Providence Athenæum: one of Rhode Island’s hidden gems. I accidentally stumbled across a picture of the library on Instagram and immediately scheduled a visit into my itinerary for my recent trip home. The Providence Athenæum is a nearly 200-hundred-year-old private library that epitomizes quaint beauty and entices the mind to wander. Although some of the latest and most popular books line the floor-to-ceiling shelves, the library hasn’t lost its historic charm. With old ladders, simple wooden desks, and a card catalog, the Providence Athenæum feels like a time capsule. If I lived closer, I would have bought a membership so I could study amongst the aging shelves, be surrounded by books, and pretend to be a 19th-century intellectual …, although knowing me, I would probably be too enthralled by the architecture to focus.



Welcome to Classically Leah, a fashion and lifestyle blog written by an average college student who happens to prefer life in shades of pink and is inspired by timeless classics.

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