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A Washington D.C. Weekend

I am not a nature girl. However, I adore flowers, and I love pink. So when the cherry blossoms bloom, I become a tree-hugger by default.

The cherry blossoms around campus are beautiful but do not compare to the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. The tree-lined Tidal Basin, with its endless cherry blossoms framing the monuments and casting a pink glow over the water, is my version of paradise. Since it's my last semester at UD, I thought I should take advantage of the proximity while I still have the chance.

As it turns out, Mother Nature is temperamental, and it is challenging to plan a weather-dependent trip. Although Delaware was a vision in pink by late February, my roommates and I were a week too early for peak bloom in D.C. Regardless, it was still a fun girls' weekend and a diversion from the usual school routine.

D.C In Bloom: Tidal Basin & Washington Monument

Unfortunately, the Tidal Basin was not the whimsical display of pink I had hoped for. Some cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, but most were only beginning to flower.

River Walk: Tidal Basin to Georgetown

We arrived in D.C. on a picture-perfect early-spring day. After a couple of weeks of unrelenting gray days spent inside, I wanted to be outdoors. So, following our walk around the perimeter of the Tidal Basin, we continued towards Georgetown.

It's an hour's walk from the Tidal Basin to Georgetown. However, it's an easy, straightforward route alongside the Potomac river. I would rather walk than drive, and I love a long walk with a view; the Potomac river was sparkling, there were blooming trees, and hardly any crowds.


Georgetown is my favorite section of the city. I love the busy, youthful atmosphere amidst the older, picturesque homes and the bustling downtown area with all of its shops and restaurants.

I did not take any (good) pictures, but trust me, it's a very picturesque area.

The National Archives:

The National Archives was the final location for the weekend, and honestly, we just went to say we saw the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Although an impressive building, there are few public exhibits – we spent more time waiting in line than we did inside.

The Eats:

While the cherry blossom did not live up to expectations (my fault for being there too early), the food was exceptional!

LEVAIN BAKERY: After a couple of hours in the car and over an hour of walking, we were all desperate for caffeine. Once we made it to Georgetown, we bee-lined to the famed Levain Bakery for coffee and cookies.

The cookies are massive, with a crispy outside and a doughy inside. A Levain cookie is unlike any cookie I’ve ever had before. My roommates and I debated whether they were more like a scone, a cookie, or a muffin. I think it’s a combination of a cookie and a scone.

(and they had a vegan cookie!!)

BLACKFINN D.C: Very unassuming on the outside, extremely loud on the inside. Blackfinn is a typical American sports bar, except the menu is more than just chicken wings and burgers. The food was excellent, and it happened to be a block away from the White House.

TATTE BAKERY: Tatte Bakery is all over Boston, and I was thrilled to find out they also had a location in D.C. There’s nothing I love more than a cute cafe. Paired with a decadent pistachio croissant and dirty chai, I was in cafe heaven.



Welcome to Classically Leah, a fashion and lifestyle blog written by an average college student who happens to prefer life in shades of pink and is inspired by timeless classics.

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